Advanced Guided Bone Regeneration

Learn and Practice. This is how we do it.

AIC Education delivered another great sold out course last month. Over 35 participants, from across British Columbia, including doctors and their CDAs, completed our Advanced Guided Bone Regeneration Course, on July 28th and 29th, in Vancouver. The course was presented by our faculty Dr. David Chong and it was an immense success.

The program was designed so practitioners came away with 4 skills that they could apply immediately in their practice. Dr. Chong discussed his key areas of success for Advanced GBR, including:

  • Best techniques for specific GBR procedure and outlining Bone and Membrane techniques and applications;
  • Non Resorbable membrane applications and tacking techniques for large GBR cases;
  • How and When to use Smart Builder Membrane in your practice and key points for success;
  • When and Where Ridge Splitting is an option for GBR cases.

Clinicians were pleased with the lecture, one-on-one coaching with our faculties, Dr Jim Grisdalle and Dr. Jay Soon, and hands-on practice. Dr. Chong said: “I was amazed at the skill level of the clinicians in attendance, and I’m looking forward to bring more advanced courses to Vancouver.” He encourages those clinicians who wanted to advance their surgical skills to attend our International Surgical Programs, like the Live Surgery Colombia Course we had last June.

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Read what the doctors have to say
about their experience with this course.


Dr. Raj Virk
“Dr. Chong’s passion and energy just make you wanna learn and practice even more.
The hands-on was unbelievable.”

Dr. Michael Conway
“It was all evidence based content. Dr. Chong really tights the lecture with the hands-on sessions.
I highly recommend this course.”


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