Immediate implant placement with OSSTEM TSIII BA implant : A clinical case presentation
By: JS Kim
Placement of implants immediately following extraction has now become an increasingly common strategy to preserve bone and reduce treatment time. On one hand, it shortens treatment time and can improve esthetics because the soft tissue envelope is preserved. In this case reports with osstem TS III BA implant, the harmony of soft and hard tissue was preserved by immediate implant placement and early loading. This case reports demonstrates that it is possible to achieve greater efficiency in our efforts to give patient sound, timely and economical treatment.
Therapeutic recommendations
- Ridge resorption : at sites where esthetics and ridge form are priorities, sockets should be grafted even if they are pontic sites.
- Facial plate : Ideal sites exhibit thick, intact facial bone. Fixtures should be placed toward the palate and not in contact with thin facial plates.
- Gap management : Manage all peri-implant gaps with particulate graft material.
- Soft tissue thickness : At sites with minimal soft tissue thickness soft tissue augmentation techniques should be considered.
- Anatomic limitations : should be avoided by a margin of safety using diagnostics, planning and drill stoppers, etc.
- Infected sites : Immediate in sites with active pain and swelling should be avoided Infected sites can be prepared for immediate placement with judicious use of chemomechanical debridement.
- Periodontal disease : Active periodontal defects at or near Immediate sites should be treated prior to implant placement.
- Immediate loading : Single immediately loaded implants should be out of occlusion in centric, lateral excursions and protrusive.
Case report
In all cases,
- The extraction of a tooth results in a decrease in support of the papillae and some loss of papillae height. The loss of papillae height is increased with the elevation of buccal and lingual flaps.
- Implant first thread was placed 1.5 mm apical to crestal bone of the socket and adequate primary stability was obtained.
- Due to the jump gap being more than 1.5 mm, it was augmented by xenograft materials.
Case I
Patient : 66 yrs, female
- Tooth postion : #12
- Fixture length : 4.0 x 10
- Timing of implant loading : 3 weeks
This cases report demonstrates that it is possible to achieve greater efficiency in immediate implant with Osstem BAIII to give patient sound, timely and economical treatment.