Save 15 Minutes With Each Impression.
Cordless Impression Material for Perfect Results.
PerfectIM materials (VPS) offers dentists accurate and reliable impressions without the need of retraction cords. Save an average of 15 minutes with each ‘crown and bridge’ case when you take impressions with the H&H technique. PerfectIM is hydrophobic, which displace fluids giving clinicians precise impressions every time. Available in 30s or 90s working times. Ideal use for bite registrations, fixed implants, dentures, crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, onlays and nightguards.
Features and Benefits:
• Eliminate the use of the retraction cords (Hydraulic/Hydrophobic Impression Technique)
• Excellent dimensional stability
• Variety of working times available
• Taste and odor free
H&H Cordless Impression Technique
Product Selection Guide
For some procedures, you may have several choices of materials. Working times are for product stored at ambient temperatures of 73°F / 23°C. Higher temperatures will shorten, while lower temperatures
will lengthen working time. The specified intraoral set times are the minimum time the material should remain in the mouth based on an oral temperature of 93°F / 34°C.