Ready to get back in track? We are here to support you

Packing/shipping infection control protocols and disinfection service
By Hiossen Implant Canada INC.

The progress in the fight against COVID-19 is a direct result of the sacrifices and decisions that we have made at home, in the community, and at work. Unlike many other places that imposed strict “lockdown” policies. Canada’s approach has been to require the safe operation of a broad range of services to protect our health care system and maintain access to key services and supplies. 

Right now, we’ve started the reopening plan. It is under each province’s guidelines. However, the physical distancing, environmental cleaning, and adherence to hand hygiene guidelines are essential in all Canada.

Be there for you and start the reopen phase together is part of our mission. Hence, Hiossen wants to share the packing/shipping infection control protocols and disinfection service that you may find with us to fight the virus and get back in track as soon as possible.

Packing/shipping infection control protocols

Infection control protocols

  1. Once our logistic team receives the order, they perform hand hygiene before they put on their mask and gloves to get into the warehouse.
  2. They wear a mask securely over their mouth and nose and adjust the nose piece to fit snugly. 
  3. They do not touch the front of the mask while wearing it (and immediately perform hand hygiene if this occurs)
  4. They wear gloves and mask all the time when preparing and packing the shipments.
  5. The packages include alcohol swabs and gloves attached to the exterior of the package. It lets our doctors wipe it down before opening their purchase as well as the products inside.
  6. The hand hygiene is performed during and after PPE removal and between orders arrange. 
  7. Gloves are discarded in the nearest no-touch waste receptacle, and never re-worn

Disinfection service 

As part of the reopen phases the environmental cleaning and disinfectants for clinic settings are a must. Cleaning of visibly soiled surfaces followed by disinfection is recommended for the prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses. Check out how Hiossen Implant Canada INC is helping for a better clinic environment to keep everyone safe.

  1. Our sales rep will provide a disinfection demo, cleaning the front end, and one opportunity room using our disinfectant.
  2. DIY guidance will be provided.
  3. After the first disinfection service, Hiossen provides a disinfectant for free. 

To get the details about this service, please contact your sales rep or fill out the below form and we will get in touch with you. 




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